《新飞鸟集》经典语录 (收录11个句子)
云巢 创建于 2022-03-18 01:01:22
37. 心有千千结,爱有千千解。一朝缠结上,从此不解却。 (Thousands of tangled feelings in my heart, and thousands of solutions for my love. Once my heart entangled, henceforth, no any ways to open it.) 2018年11月29日
—— 成家茂《新飞鸟集》
32. 每次黎明向外仰望时,那颗启明星就像你凝视的眼睛。你探望的那只眼睛充满光明的爱,却让我无尽优伤;而那只隐藏的眼睛深邃到从未呈现,却让我不离不弃 Every dawn when I look up to the outside, Morning Star looks like your staring eyes. The one visiting, full of bright love, but make me sad endlessly; and the other hidden, so deep that it never appeares, but make me reluctant to leave and lose
40. 爱就是一场修行,入得山中便无物,出游归真无归路。舍却爱中人,凡事皆烟尘;不舍爱中人,如何修晨昏? (Love is a practice of Buddhism. Nothing when in mountains, no way back when in study tours for returning to nature. Like the smoke and dust is everything if one in love is abandoned; if not, how to cultivate in the morning and evening?) 2018年12月2日
35. 生活将我们装进套子里,我们将爱放进心里。岁月让我们放声歌唱,我们却只顾低头前行。歌声就在我们的爱里,只有用心才能将它聆听。 (Life puts us in a suit, while we put love in our hearts. Years let us sing loud, but we only move ahead with bowed heads. Singing just in our love, only with whole heart it can be heard.) 2018年11月27日
36. 等一场雪,就像等一场埋藏着心愿却即将消逝的爱;等一个晴天,就像等一个被风吹不散的爱人的温暖。我愿为你等一场晴天大雪。 (Waiting for a snow is like waiting for a love buried with wishes but dying; waiting for a sunny day is like waiting for the warmth of a lover not blown off by the wind. I'd like to wait a heavy snow on a sunny day for you.) 2018年11月28日
31. 我一直记得你的那些美好,那样的眼神,那样的哭诉。当青春已过,我便是你最后的陌生。 (Always did I remember you about those fine things, such different eyes and your crying to me. After youth gone, I am your last stranger.)
34. 我和你手握着手,亲爱的,这世界就卧在你的酣眠中。爱其实早在生命的源头就已注入,当它终于喷涌成泉,我生命的花园便再一次生机勃勃 (I shake hands with you, my dear, and the world is lying in your deep sleep. In fact, love has long since been poured in from beginning of life, and when it finally spews and turns into spring, once again in my garden of life comes vitality.) 2018年11月26
33. 与深夜慢逡巡,与明月守灯火,与相思听花落。树静如幽梦,我心动如柔风,长情入朦胧。 (Prowling with deep night, keeping watch lights with bright moon, and listening to fallen flowers with my missing. Trees quiet like the dim dreams, my heart beat like gentle wind, with lasting feelings being into gloom.) 2018年11月25日
34. 我和你手握着手,亲爱的,这世界就卧在你的酣眠中。爱其实早在生命的源头就已注入,当它终于喷涌成泉,我生命的花园便再一次生机勃勃。 (I shake hands with you, my dear, and the world is lying in your deep sleep. In fact, love has long since been poured in from beginning of life, and when it finally spews and turns into spring, once again in my garden of life comes vitality.)
39. 那时候,我离你很近,在雨里见,在风里去,在山水间欢笑。如今我离你很远,远到只在心里。 (In those days, I was very close to you, we met in the rain, parted in the wind, and laughed happily in the mountains and rivers. Now I'm so far away from you, as to see you only in my heart.) 2018年12月1日
38. 没有可以爱的时候,就好好爱自己。 (When nothing to love, love yourself well.) 2018年11月30日
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