《The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button》经典语录 (收录10个句子)
黄锲 创建于 2021-03-23 18:35:04
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I figured out one thing. If you're growing older or getting younger it really doesn't make any difference. Whichever way you're going you have to make the most of what this is.我明白一件事情。不管你是越来越老,还是越来越年轻,这真的没有什么区别。不论你走哪一条路,你偶应该重返利用它。
—— Eric Roth《The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button》
I tried to read it a hundred different times... but I couldn't bring myself... 我想读它千百遍……但是我没有那个决心……
It's a funny thing about coming home. Smells the same. Looks the same. Feels the same.回家是一件有意思的事情。一样的味道、一样的屋子、一样的感觉。
D: I figured out if you were born in 1918... 49 years ago... I'm 43... we're almost the same age... In three years we'll meet in the middle...B: We finally caught up to each other...黛西:我想你出生在1918年,我现在43岁……我们现在几乎是同龄人……三年后,我们正好在中点交会……本杰明:我们最终还是走到一起了。
It's like there's this whole life I had and I can't remember what it was... 就像我曾经拥有整个人生,我却记不起来它是什么样子。
no matter what age he was... he was the same person behind his eyes... and, at that moment I knew... he knew who I was... 无关年龄……那双眼睛后面都是同一个人……在那一刻,我清楚的知道,他认出了我是谁。
It's funny how sometimes the people we remember the least, make the greatest impression on us. 有意思的是,在我们记忆中占据最少位置的人,却常常给我们留下最深的印象。
Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don't know it... Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it... 有时候一场碰撞正等着我们,只是我们浑然不觉罢了……无论是意外还是蓄谋,我们都无能为力……
But life being what it is... a series of intersecting lives and incidents... Out of anyone's control... 但这就是生活……它是一连串交叠错落的生命和偶然……超出任何人的控制……
B: Relationships have a time and a place. D: Don't say that. B: What I mean is... You don't usually get more than one chance. If you miss it, it's too late... and it's gone... We're lucky... we had more than one chance. 本杰明:所有的相遇都需要时间和地点。 黛西:不要那么说。 本杰明:我的意思是……你通常不会有那么多机会。如果错过,那就晚了……然后它就擦肩而过了……我们算是幸运的……还能再次相遇。
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