James McAvoy (收录34个句子)
小张 创建于 2020-10-19 16:00:01
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For me, Charles Xavier is a monk. He's like a selfless, egoless almost sexless force for the betterment of humanity and mortality.我认为,查尔斯泽维尔(X教授)是一个修道士。他是致力于发扬人性的光辉并减少死亡的一个无私的、博爱的、没有性欲的人。
—— James McAvoy《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》
I think the most romantic thing you can do is just turn up. Turn up when it's difficult for you. Travel halfway around the world or just up the road. Whatever it is, just be there.我觉得你能做的浪漫的事就是燃起激情。遇到困难的时候迎难而上。环游一半地球,或者哪怕就是开车一路前行。不管你想去哪里,去到那里就好。
A story about my life would be utterly dull.关于我的生活的故事一定会非常无聊。
I don't know why I get cast in a lot of period pieces. Stephen Fry told me that I had a face for period, that I look like someone from 1920.我不知道为什么我得到了很多年代戏的角色。斯蒂芬·弗雷(《光彩年华》导演)说我长了一张年代戏的脸,我看起来像是19世纪20年代的人。
Distance is a bad excuse for not having a good relationship with somebody. It's the determination to keep it going or let it fall by the wayside; that's the real reason that the relationships continue.距离不是无法和某人维持亲密关系的好借口。维持关系或是半途而废,都是由决心决定的。决心才是一段关系能够维持下去的真正原因。
I play football once or twice a week. I eat pretty healthy. I'm in fairly good shape most of the time.我每星期踢一到两次足球。我的饮食挺健康的。我大多数时候体型都很好。
People come up to me and they're usually nice, but as it goes on you realise that some people aren't nice. Some people are not nice at all.当人们(刚开始)靠近我时他们通常(看起来)很好,但随着时间的流逝你发现有些人并不是那么好,有些人一直都不好。
I considered becoming a priest very seriously. I wanted to travel the world. By the time I turned 16, I realized I was only in it for selfish reasons. And, more importantly, I didn't want to sacrifice the ladies!我曾很认真地考虑过当一个传教士。我想要到世界各地旅行。16岁的时候,我意识到我想做传教士的原因都很自私。而且,更重要的是,我不想牺牲掉女孩子带来的快乐!
Because technically actors are just public servants really. They just tell stories because people need to be told stories. That's all it is. And yet we get treated as though we're important.理论上演员其实仅仅只是人民公仆。他们讲故事的原因是人们愿意听故事。就是如此而已。但现在我们被追捧的好像我们很重要似的。
I take a lot of pride in being myself. I'm comfortable with who I am.我做我自己感到很骄傲。我很喜欢现在的自己。
I don't mind playing somebody who's not likable, or makes the audience feel slightly conflicted.我不介意扮演不招人喜欢的角色,也不太介意让观众的内心感到有点矛盾冲突。
Basically, every character I've ever played, I've based entirely on internal conflict. And I love doing that, because I think it's very human.基本上来说,我扮演每个角色时候的表演都完全基于内心冲突。我喜欢这么做,因为我觉得能显示出人性。
I still take work if I think it's good. If I like the script, I'll do it. If I don't, I won't.我仍然会继续工作如果我觉得那很棒。如果我喜欢这剧本,我会演的。如果不喜欢,则我不会。
I'm probably more dangerous in a car than I am on a motorbike; on a bike I'm very mindful of the fact that if you make a mistake, you're dead.可能我在一辆汽车上比在一辆摩托车上更危险;我始终记得这个事实:如果你犯了错(当你开车时),你就死了。
Filmmaking is a miracle of collaboration.
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