Gossip girl. (收录21个句子)
远山浅 创建于 2022-04-10 21:30:01
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The truth.Sometimes it is the truth you’ve been trying not to face or the truth that will change your life.Sometimes it is the truth that’s a long time coming or the truthe you prayed would never see the light of day.Some truths may not be heard the way we hoped that would.真相。有时你试着逃避真相,而有时真相会改变你的人生。
《Gossip Girl》
You can't make people love youBut you can make them fear you.Forget boysFor what it's worthYou're my queenI chose you ——Blair你不能让人们爱你但你能让他们敬畏你忘了那些男孩吧不论如何你是女王我选择了你
Sometimes the hero finally makes the choice but the timing is always wrong.有时候英雄终于选对了人却选错了时间
Shoulder pads may come and go,but a B.F.F is forever. Because even when you're not sure where you're headed It helps to know you're not going there alone 男朋友来来去去,但好朋友是永远的 因为 即使你还不知道何去何从 至少你知道,你不是一个人
The success,people praising you,it goes awayAnd when that day comesIf you don't like who you are,you're done功成名利那时都会烟消云散连你自己都不喜欢自己,你就一败涂地
There is a comfort in revisiting the things that we loved,when we were young.重温我们年轻时爱过的事物 心里是会有种安慰的感觉
Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself. 最好不要忽略过去 而是从中得到些教训,否则 历史会不断重复上演
The people you know best are the ones most capable of surprising you. 最熟悉的人才最出乎意料
It is queen's job to protect his king. ——Blair 保护国王是王后的职责
B:What if we need game?What if without them we are boring? 其实如果我们需要游戏怎么办?万一没了游戏我们会对彼此厌烦怎么办? C:We could never be boring. 我们永远不会彼此生厌。 B:You say that but i know you,you are chuck bass. 你虽然这么说,但是我了解你,你是chuck bass。 C:I am not chuck bass without you. 没有你我不是chuck bass。
Because without the people you love most… you can’t help but feel all alone in the world.
One thing about being on top of the world-- it gives you a long, long way to fall. 站在世界之巅的一个好处是,你将拥有很长一段降落之旅。
If the lord is our shepherd, it looks like one of his lambs has lost his way,or maybe make that a black sheep. We bring nothing into the world , and we leave nothing behind . But that doesn't mean we don't leave a big ole mess when we go. 如果上帝就是那放羊的 Shepherd ,看起来其中一只已经成了迷途羔羊,或是成为害群之黑羊。我们生不带来,死不带去,但那并不意味着,逝者不会就此留下难以收拾的残局。
Another way the truth comes out when you don't even mean it to... Or when, without saying a word, it's still loud and clear. But the worst thing the truth can do is when you finally tell it , it doesn't set you free, but locks you away forever. 事实也可能在你无意透露的情况下,翩然而至……或者只字未提,事实却清晰可见。但关于事实可以造成的最糟糕的后果,就是你终于说出口,却没有赐你自由,而是将你永远封锁
Just because you get out of the game . Doesn't mean someone isn't waiting on the bench to take your place. 你离开了游戏并不意味着没有其他人等着想要取代你的位置。
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