新飞鸟集(汉英双语) (收录42个句子)
心碎 创建于 2022-03-18 01:00:02
12. 我的眼在临近黄昏时藏起了黑暗,我的心在曙光初现时放大了光明。午后的彩虹匆匆吻过秋花,却留下风雨残痕。 (My eyes hided the darkness towards evening, and my heart enlarged the light in the first flush of dawn. The afternoon rainbow kissed the autumn flowers hastily, but left the traces of the wind and rain.) 2018年11月4日
14. 爱的心悸曾如秋日暖阳,爱的回忆已如秋风落叶。如今暖阳更将落叶催向消亡,而大地却还在召唤它的希望。 (The palpitation of love is like the warm sun in fall , and the memories of love are like the fallen leaves in wind. Now the warm sun urges the leaves to die, while the earth still calls for its hope.) 2018年11月6日
4. 向山追寻的波浪再大,它也无法上岸;向上张开怀抱的水涡再激勇,它也无法容纳天空。我心平静,对你的爱无山亦无天空。 (The waves pushing on to the mountain can't go ashore, no matter how big they are; the eddies opening upward the arms can't hold the sky, no matter how strong they are. My heart is calm without the mountain and the sky of love for you.) 2018年10月25日
7. 苍山上的秋月渐渐消隐在朝阳的光芒中,而你正从我的眼前经过。我看见岁月为你张开了翅膀,却遮蔽住我灵魂的晨光。 (The autumn moon above Cangshan Mountain is fading away in the light of the early morning sun, while you are coming by before my eyes. I see the years spreading wings for you, but covering up the morning light of my spirit.) 2018年10月27日
9. 我无河山可拱手,亦无剑仗护君走。只有无奈诗,赊君一回头。 (I have no rivers and mountains to hand over for you, nor sword to carry for protecting you in walking. With nothing but my helpless poems, I can exchange a backward glance from you on credit.) 2018年10月29日
11. 每一次旅行,都是我所不愿。不愿见人间放纵的情,不愿见他乡的酒,不愿见你白衣苍狗。 (Each travel is not my aspiration. Unwilling to see the indulgent love in this world, unwilling to see the wines of alien lands, and unwilling to find you like the white clouds changing into grey dogs.) 2018年10月31日
15. 我爱才半开,春风止不住;我心方半死,秋叶已吹落。若你无言在,红尘当如初。 (My love half open, the spring breeze unstoppable; my heart half dead, the autumn leaves already blew off. If you are here wordlessly, the world remains as before.) 2018年11月7日
1. 今夜的月晕很大,我的身体已刮起风。只是,我不知道明天会为你有何变化。 (Tonight the moon halo is very big, and the wind blowing inside me. But I don’t know what will change for you tomorrow.) 2018年10月22日
5. 草坡碧绿,野花无数。你的眼神如风拂过花,我的心如鸟觅草丛。 (The grass slopes are green, and there the wild flowers are numerous. Your eyes come like the wind blowing through the flowers, and my heart is like a bird feeding in tne grass.) 2018年10月25日
10. 我将你扶上爱的鸟背,你却踩住了它起翔的翅膀。我将你藏进爱的深渊,你又只用思念的回声来应答我一生的召唤。 (I lifted you up on the back of lovebird, but you stood its wings to fly. I hided you in the depth of love, and you only respond to the call of my life with echoes of yearning.) 2018年10月30日
8. 你为我细致地化着妆,像在为我的心脏动着手术。我只想知道,你在为谁偷走我的心? (You put on my makeup meticulously, as if you were performing an operation for my heart. I just wanted to know, who were you stealing it for?) 2018年10月28日
2. 那朵玫瑰太容易摘取。然而我不愿,尽管它可能会一直等到悄然枯萎。 (That rose is too easy to pick. But I don't want to do, though it may be waiting until it dies.) 2018年10月23日
3. 将幸福搁在你手心握紧的那个晚上,我甚至来不及将未来藏进幸福后再交给你。 (On that night, putting happiness in your hand tightly, I even had no time to hide the future into the happiness before I handed it over to you.) 2018年10月24日
6. 朝霞绚烂挽凉风,夕辉静穆携云住。面朝洱海,花爱半开承新露,我只孤身回看佛。 The morning glow appeared gloriously arm in arm with the cool air, and the evening sunlight shone silently hand in hand with the staying clouds. Facing the Erhai Lake, the flowers loved to open half for receiving the new dew, while I merely looked back to the Buddha alone.
13. 秋鸟在林梢啁啾,将我晨晓的心叫开,却忘了将它关闭。我只好用沉重的回忆去抵紧爱之门。 (The birds of autumn singing on the treetops, make my heart open to the early morning, but forget to shut it down. I have to prop the heavy memories against the door of love.) 2018年11月5日
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《笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神》 收录10个句子
《鬼喊抓鬼》 收录10个句子
《悟》 收录628个句子
《正反》 收录31个句子