《A Tale of Two Cities》经典语录 (收录10个句子)
纵性 创建于 2021-11-08 18:29:05
关于A Tale of Two Cities的经典句子,根据受欢迎度排序。
'About twenty years ago, Miss Manette, a French doctor married an English lady. They had a daughter, but just before she was born, her father disappeared. Nobody knew what had happened to him. Not long afterwards his unhappy wife died, and their daughter was brought back to England.'
—— Charles Dickens《A Tale of Two Cities》
I can't understand,' he said coldly, 'why you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children. I hope my horses are not hurt.' And he threw a gold coin to his driver. 'Give this to that man!' 'Dead!' shouted the father of the child again.
Mr Lorry moved closer to the old man.' Dr Manette, don't you remember me, Jarvis Lorry?' he asked gently. The old prisoner looked up at Mr Lorry, but there was no surprise, no understanding in his tired face, and he went back to work making shoes. Slowly Lucie came near to the old man. After a while he noticed her.
He drank too much, and his life was unhappy and friendless. His cleverness and his hard work in the law only made others, like Mr Stryver, successful and rich. He remembered Lucie Manette's worried face when she watched Darnay in court.
When they went to the coach, only one person saw them go: Madame Defarge. She stood in the doorway, and knitted and watched, seeing everything... and seeing nothing.
Tellson's Bank in the City of London was an old, dark, and ugly building. It smelt of dust and old papers, and the people who worked there all seemed old and dusty, too. Outside the building sat Jerry Cruncher, who carried messages for people in the bank.
Defarge made a lot of noise as he opened the door. Mr Lorry and Lucie went into the room behind him. A thin, white-haired man was sitting on a wooden seat. He was very busy, making shoes. 'Good day,' said Defarge. 'You are still working hard, I see.' After a while they heard a whisper. 'Yes, I am still working.'
‘It takes time to prepare for change. The crimes against the people of France cannot be revenged in a day.’ ‘But we may not live to see the end.’ ‘Even if that happens,’ replied Madame Defarge, ‘we shall help it to come. But I believe that we shall see the day of our revenge against these hated noblemen.’
It began one summer day in the streets of Saint Antoine, around Defarge's wine-shop, with a great crowd of people. A crowd who carried guns, knives, sticks, even stones – anything that could be a weapon. An angry crowd who shouted and screamed, who were ready to fight and to die in battle.
'Friends and citizens!' shouted Defarge. 'We are ready! To the Bastille!' The crowd began to move, like the waves of the sea. 'Follow me, women!' cried Madame Defarge. A long sharp knife shone brightly in her hand. 'We can kill as well as any man!'
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