英语美文 (收录73个句子)
戒了 创建于 2022-05-07 11:30:01
There is nothing more terrible than to be alone among human beings.而家有什么民变作置水呢内十第于人群开之起风孤独一人更可怕的了。
—— 茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》
I am going to tell you my whole life, the life which did not really begin until the day I first saw you. What I can recall before that day is gloomy and confused, a memory as of a cellar filled with dusty, dull, and cobwebbed things and people-a place with which my heart has no concern.
It was a caressing and alluring glance, at once enfolding and disclothing, the glance of the born seducer. Involuntarily, you looked in this way at very showgirl who served you, at every maidservant who opened the door to you. 这是一个天生的诱惑者的眼光,你向每一个从你身边走过的女人都投以这样的目光,向每一个卖东西给你的女店员,向每一个给你开门的使女都投以这样的目光。
But I know that he is dead; and I will look again, to hope once more, and once more to be disappointed. I know, I know, my boy died yesterday. Now I have only you left in the world; only you, who do not know me; you, who are enjoying yourself all unheeding, sporting with men and things.
We were often wakened in the night by the clatter of falling chairs and breaking plates. Once, when he had beaten her till the blood came, she ran out on the landing with her hair streaming, followed by her drunken husband abusing her, until all the people came out onto the staircase and threated to send for the police.
I need hardly tell you that henceforward, in my restricted world, you were the only thing that interested me; that my life revolved round yours with the fidelity proper to a girl of thirteen. 还要我对你说吗,从这天起,在我们这所房子里,在我整个可怜的儿童世界里,除了你再也没有什么别的东西使我感兴趣;我本着一个十三岁的女孩的全部傻劲儿,全部追根究底的执拗劲头,只对你的生活、只对你的存在感兴趣!
You were wearing a beautiful suit of light-brown tweeds, and you ran upstairs two steps at a time with the boyish ease that always characterizes your movements. You were hat in hand, so that, with indescribable amazement, I could see your youthful hair. Your handsome, slim, and spruce figure was a positive shock to me.
My boy died yesterday. For three days and nights I have been wrestling with death for this frail little life. 我的儿子昨天死了,为了这条幼小娇弱的生命,我和死神搏斗了三天三夜。
To you only do I want to speak, that I may tell you everything for the first time. I should like you to know the whole of my life, of that life which has always been yours, and of which you have known nothing. 我要单独和你谈谈,第一次把一切都告诉你;我要让你知道我整个的一生,我的一生一直是属于你的,而你对我的一生却一无所知。
A bespectacled , good-natured old fellow was what I had expected to see; and you came, looking as just as you still look, for you are one on whom the years little marks. 我梦见的是一位戴眼镜的和蔼可亲的老年人,可逆一出现——原来你的模样跟你今天的样子完全相似,原来你这个人始终没有变化,尽管岁月在你身上缓缓地流逝!
You need have no fear of my words. A dead woman wants nothing; neither love, nor compassion, nor consolation. I have only one thing to ask of you, that you believe to the full what the pain in me forces me to disclose to you. 看到我这些话你不要害怕;一个死者别无企求,她既不要求别人的爱,也不要求同情和慰藉。我对你只有一个要求,那就是请你相信我那向你吐露隐衷的痛苦的心所告诉你的一切。
You looked at me with a cordial, gracious, all-embracing glance, which was almost a caress. You smiled at me tenderly-yes, tenderly, is the word-and said gently, nay, confidentially: “Thanks so much.” 你看了我一眼,那眼光温暖、柔和、深情,似乎是对我的爱抚,你含情脉脉地冲我一笑,用一种非常轻柔的、简直可说是亲昵的声音对我说:“多谢,小姐。”
If I have to go on living, I shall tear up this letter and shall keep the silence I have always kept. 要是我还得再活下去,我就把这封信撕掉,我将继续保持沉默,就像我过去一直沉默一样。
I cannot bear t look, I cannot bear to move; for when the candles flicker, shadows chase one another over his face and his closed lips. It looks as if his features stirred, and I could almost fancy that he is not dead after all, that he will wake up, and with his clear voice will say something childishly loving.
That was all you said. But from this moment, from the time when you looked at me so gently, so tenderly, I was yours. 全部经过就是这样,亲爱的;可是从我接触到你那充满柔情蜜意的眼光之日起,我就完全属于你了。
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